Natalia Leonova. Soft Pastel Painter
Natalia Leonova, Soft pastel artist. Painting process with Mamut pastels and her impressions about Mamut.
Looking for inspiration
Inspiration can come from the most diverse places.
From a book, a movie, a situation or a walk... I live near the Mediterranean Sea and the colors are abundant.
Testing Mamut soft Pastels
After several months of work, some other months of testing, and some more spend on pastels production I finally (finally!) release officially Mamut as a Soft Pastel brand… And Graciela Bombalova “Bogra” visits the studio to test the Mamut pastels!
Shades of Grey
Carl Jung, the father of deep psychology, used to say that everything that can be named is because we know its opposite. We know for sure that the opposite of Black is white but…What would be the oposite of grey? There is no opposite of grey as there is no opposite of pink. Grey is what it is called achromatic neutral