A new life
In soft pastels, as in so many other aspects in life, sometimes things may not go as planned. Lots of things can go wrong… Maybe the texture, maybe the thikness is not enough, or the pigment had problems….Or maybe I forgot to add that ingredient in the formula (?)
The child…
I am not pretty sure how Mamut came to me or if it was me, looking for something, that found it on my way. We are alway so busy trying to get somewhere, trying to achieve something, trying to force our limits, that we get no time to realize what we are or, maybe the most important thing, what we really want.
Société des Ocres de France
The Ôkhra ocher EcoMuseum occupies a former ocher processing site, the Camille Mathieu factory. Abandoned in the 1950s, it has been rehabilitated to become a place of history and discovery…
The land of Ochres
When we talk about ocher, we cannot fail to mention France. And in particular, one of its most characteristic regions: French Provence. There is the Luberon, the heart of Provence and the last active Ocher quarry, located in Gargas, in the center of Luberon. And its iconic village, Roussillon.